Team: A co-op of the very best women

Celia De Benedetti
designer. creator. founder.
Celia De Benedetti has over 18 years in marketing communications, advertising, graphic design and social media expertise.
Beginning her career at Acer America, Celia spearheaded the in-house graphics department and then went on to manage all aspects of advertising, marketing, channel collateral and product packaging for Acer. While doing marketing communications and trade show management at two small start-ups in Silicon Valley starting in 1993, Celia got involved in website programming. At @Home Network '95-2000 she helped pioneer the technology backend of online marketing and advertising and headed the Internet Advertising Bureau committee that set the online advertising standards in place today. Has served in several Director of Marketing positions in Digital Marketing companies.
She had the opportunity to help start joint ventures and build teams in Tokyo, Paris, Amsterdam and Sydney. Her current role at Amber:Idea allows her to combine all her expertise in one place. Celia is founding President and Board Member for the Truckee Community Theater, is a member of the development planning committee at The Davidson Academy in Reno, NV and has also held several President and Vice President board positions in the Independent School sector in the Bay Area (The Harker School), Hawaii (Hawaii Preparatory Academy) and in Lake Tahoe (Lake Tahoe School).
Sarah Holliman
storyteller. strategist. marketer.
Sarah is a natural problem solver. Some of her work colleagues might say it is a by-product of using her editorial red pen. And in some ways they wouldn’t be wrong—when she sees something that needs to be fixed (or edited), she fixes it. Her clients and friends would see it as trying to overcome obstacles. Sarah’s career has somehow been wrapped around that concept since the get-go and although her path doesn’t seem obvious—from banker…to consultant to banks…to marketing for a consulting company…to marketing for a company with multiple lines of business...with a grad degree thrown in there somewhere—it has all been rooted in problem solving.
Sarah founded her own boutique agency and partners with go-getters like Celia at Amber:Idea to provide truly effective marketing in harmony with the work a company is doing. Celia and Sarah have worked together on projects for 10 years.

Tina Lally
demand generator. starter. marketer
Tina is ready with your next big idea. Her clients know her as a go to for the next program concept that will deliver results. Don't be surprised when her first question is "Who is in your database and what is your ideal customer profile?". She'll be finding the way to reach buyers and have a million ideas for how and when including the expected results.Tina is an experiential marketer, from the flawlessly executed event to the jaw dropping direct mail package delivered with a handwritten note. Her goto quote is "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will always remember how you made them feel."
Tina has over 20 years of demand generation marketing expertise, event planning, and sales enablement. Tina has worked in start ups and taken them public, from tech companies to multi-million dollar print and fulfillment services to most recently starting a studios and promo team serving customers like eBay, Toto, and Facebook.
Celia and Tina have worked together on projects for over 20 years.